I'll go first. I am a crafter, a creator, a loyal friend, a lover of laughter, a storyteller, a dreamer, a music fanatic, a dancer, a designer and a [sometimes fiery, yet always passionate] redhead. An unwavering love of the Arts has helped craft a beautiful story and foster an impactful soundtrack to the adventure that is my life. I am very proud of the progress I have made over the years, and where my talent has carried me. Throughout my career
I have been fortunate to work with many incredible people and organizations. My hope is to continue to do so for years to come. Perhaps one day our paths will intersect and a new collaboration will unfold.
I'll go first. I am a crafter, a creator, a loyal friend, a lover of laughter, a storyteller, a dreamer, a music fanatic, a dancer, a designer and a [sometimes fiery, yet always passionate] redhead. An unwavering love of the Arts has helped craft a beautiful story and foster an impactful soundtrack to the adventure that is my life. I am very proud of the progress I have made over the years, and where my talent has carried me. Throughout my career
I have been fortunate to work with many incredible people and organizations. My hope is to continue to do so for years to come. Perhaps one day our paths will intersect and a new collaboration will unfold.

MKS Instruments
Social Media Graphics
Graphics showcasing two online speaking engagements; EUEC Virtual & Atomic Layer Deposition (ADL).

MKS Instruments
Social Media Graphic
LinkedIn ad promoting remote and hybrid opportunities.

MKS Instruments
Social Media Graphic
LinkedIn graphic highlighting the success of the intern and co-op programs.

Social Media Graphic
Talent Acquisition is experiencing a big push to attract and obtain new talent. When greeted with success, it's a great time for an announcement.

The Lewis Prize for Music
Social Media Graphic
The Lewis Prize for Music provides access to high quality and diverse music education to youth organizations throughout the country. This is an announcement highlighting the opening of the 2023 Awards application.

The Lewis Prize for Music
Social Media Graphic
One graphic from the informational webinar series about the Accelerator Awards.

The Lewis Prize for Music
Social Media Graphic
Informational graphic highlighting what's new in the 2023 application.

The Lewis Prize for Music
Social Media Graphic
Calling all young adults who would like to make an impact.

The Lewis Prize for Music
Social Media Graphic
Graphic highlighting the ease of the application process, especially for those who have applied previously.

The Lewis Prize for Music
Social Media Graphic
Motivator to keep applying, as well as a reminder of the application due date.

The Lewis Prize for Music
Social Media Graphic
Graphic introducing the Regions of the US series, to spark interest in the Awards program.